Sunday, March 4, 2018

Alfred - Productivity App for Mac OS X download


      Alfred is a freeware for Macs with functions like Spotlight. But Alfred can help you find faster and more convenient. You can open a path to a folder you want with just one hotkey or a few keystrokes. For Hackintosh users alike Alfred is an indispensable tool.

Alfred - Productivity App for Mac OS X download

     If you are using the keyboard of the apple, the hotkey is not a problem then. But Hackintosh users are a bit on the short side. With Alfred you can open Activity with Alt + Crtl + Delete or open the path / Users / "your name" / Library / with shift + cmd + L. Open an application, just type the name. You can even release Inactive Memory with a hotkey ... etc. Here we will go back to Alfred.
1.General tab
- In this tab, you set the default hotkey for Alfred, his is Crtl + Space
2. Feature (Feature tab)
-File Share: To find a file or directory, just type find + the name of the folder or file you need to open. Ex "find google drive" and hit enter. "To open it just replace find = open. And if you type in + file name, it will be like Show Package Contents.
-Web Search: You can find anything on the internet without having to open Safari to search. For example, if you want to find Sony camera, just type google sony camera then hit enter. Want to translate by google then type Translate "from you need to translate". Alfred Web search system is quite rich, there are google, yahoo, imdb, gmail, amazon, ebay, wiki, docs, facebook ....
-Custom Search: Open a web page quickly. When I open up Mac, I want to go to Crystal view but right click on Safari and then click. Here are tips to open the web fast.
To do this, go to Custom Search, click on the + sign and set up as you like.
-Selling: Dictionary with Dictionary. Just type define or you can replace the word define with the word "translate" also. Ex "define triumphant
Alfred - Productivity App for Mac OS X download

Expand (Extension tab). Here, you can create a hotkey for free memory. Not necessarily a software that frees memory. Here, Alfred allows you to trigger commands in the terminal. Instead of typing Purge to kill inactive memory, Alfted allows you to set a hotkey or keyword to enable the hiding of the purge command without opening the terminal. I'm a hackin 'wimp, so use the wim keyword "Wipe Inactive Memory".
-To create "WIM" you go to Extension tab, then click + then find Shell Script
4. Hotkey (Hotkey tab). In this tab, you can open anything with just a few keys. For example, open Facebook (Cmd + Alt + F1), Gmail (Cmd + Alt + F2) ... etc.

Alfred - Productivity App for Mac OS X download

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Alfred - Productivity App for Mac OS X download

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